Sleepwaking- part one of nap two


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


This was posted after my piece : Sleepwaking-nap one. :

"I have the same problem. I go to bed around 11 pm and I wake up around 2:30 or 3:30. I am on Ambien CR, but lately it doesn’t let me sleep at all. I used to sleep around 5 to 6 hours on Ambien CR. I feel tired, but not sleepy. If I get up after I am awake that early and go stuff, I get a stomach ache with nausea. It has been like this for almost a week now.

I have had insomnia for about 20 years now…on average getting about 4 to 5 hours of sleep.

But, it’s so bad now."

Here's some excerpts from email's that I received after Sleepwaking :

"I'm glad to see this but sorry for you,Louie.
I'm suffering too. If I get 3 hours a night, I'm lucky...."

"Lack of sleep leads to immune system problems..."

"Take a sleeping pill and stop whining..."

"Try some chamomile tea about an hour before you go to bed..."

"Louie,I don't know anyone who sleeps well..."

"Please talk more about this Mr. Free, I think a lot of people will appreciate it. You need to do more interviews with some of your authors about this problem."

I've been told that it's VERY important to dream-therefor, 'sleepdeprives' must keep a dream journal---NOT for the content of the dreams, but the QUANTITY of dreams.

I had a brain research scientist explain that we dream in (approx) 90 minute cycles.

I don't know about YOU, but lately I RARELY get 90 uninterrupted minutes.

This is how it's been recently :

About 30-45 minutes before I try to sleep, I take four 200mg ibuprofen tablets + two  550 mg ginger veg caps and three Wobenzyme N's  .

NO bad TV(news, etc) or  negative reading before bed-just something positive/spiritual/inspirational.

I AM able to fall asleep....for about an hour......then, the roller-coaster  really begins.

(I do admit that I get a bit anxious-a bit desperate on work nights)

It's getting close to that time-so........

....last night was another bad one

 1:44 a-awake

sleepy 'round 4:00 a

WIDE awake just past 5:00a

The Book Babe told me of a friend of hers that started Yogic breathing and it 'cured' his insomnia...she's going to get some specifics for me...but tonight I'm  desperate- I'm taking a Lunesta....


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