Personal Energy Independence,Kimberly Kingsley and me !


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


With The Fourth of July quickly approaching, Louie Free and I engaged in a lively discussion about energy independence – personal energy independence that is. He asked that I share a couple of thoughts on the subject.

What I’ve found is that modern society, for all its comforts and advancements, has produced a profound sense of restlessness in most of us. We’ve lost touch with the abundant vital energy contained within, and have turned to compulsive activity and consumption to ease our emptiness.

The good news is that we are built to be full of life – even bright – and the only thing standing between us and personal energy independence is a mindset and a hand full of tools. I’m looking forward to continuing this conversation with Louie on Tuesday, but for now, remember that your vitality is a gift you bring wherever you go.

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