Another Long December


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


[I just found this in draft-so the first few paragraphs were written months ago]

A long December and there’s reason to believe Maybe this year will be better than the last

Actually, this one’s flying by-hey, the whole year’s been a blur.

Last year’s “Long December” blog talked about Bob Fitzer’s cancer, and as most of y’all know, Bob died this year[07]. Funny, I still can’t delete his number from my cell phone, in fact, I left him a message after he died. Maria Leavy died too. Although I never face to faced Maria, we worked closely together for years. Real liberals and Democrats have never had(in my radio daze) such an advocate. Maria had a way of promoting Democrats and liberals in a way that, well, Maria was a true believer. I wouldn’t say “no” to Maria, not because of induced guilt, but because I knew that when Maria asked, ’twas because Maria could deliver : real people dealing with real issues.

A dear friend in Arizona’s daughter finally realized that her father, who walked out of her life many years ago, made a choice to walk out of his daughter’s life—-she’s realized that her father was more concerned for having his ego(etc) stroked by a younger woman, than loving and supporting his daughter. She’s also matured, o’re the last year, realizing that the TRUE LOVE and support for her has come from her Mother-she now realizes that her father tried to take all of the credit for the wonder of this young lady, w/o any of the Love and work and ’sacrifices’.

I experienced some fortunate sadness recently, when a very successful acquaintance of mine revealed some very troubling, almost suicidal thoughts. ‘Fortunate’-yeah, I feel very fortunate that he opened up to me .Although I am secure in believing that suicide is no longer an option for him, his sadness remains.

Obviously, I’m a bit too sentimental( Oxford says: “deriving from or prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.”).

-to be continued………

-and, oh yeah, my Strat’s STILL in the pawn shop, due to forfeit 04 Jan……. (I paid on it-it’s still there….)

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