"the pinnacle of police departments"


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


I *just* had a discussion w/ one of our brave law enforcers.

This brave,bright young man came to the BPD a number of yrs ago-he came from another department. He came to the Boardman Police Department, as he saw, and now KNOWS, the BPD to be THE PINNACLE of law enforcement organizations.

PINNACLE : *the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development*

This is a man that is VERY proud of, not only his personal work, but very proud of the organization for which he works : The Boardman Police Department- this is *that* guy , *that* example that I always talk about when I say : "...it's 4:13 am and you hear your apartment door kicked in, you dial 911 and someone quickly comes to get between you and the monster that broke your door in(possibly, the door-breaker has , what he believes to be a valid reason...but that's not the concern of this law enforcer). This law enforcer arrives to protect your safety. He(she) arrives volunteering themselves,placing themselves in harms way-to protect YOU, a stranger to these law enforcers."

This particular law enforcer has been risking his life while protecting ours, for the last two years. He came here after serving for a number of years in another department. He came 'here', *here* to the Boardman Police Department, as he wanted to be part of the pinnacle of area police departments, he wanted to come to "the best"-and to the "best" he came, and has served-proudly.

" I am so proud to be part of the pinnacle of police departments."

"I was a police officer for about 4 years at another department and have learned more here(BPD) in ONE week..."

" We do an immense amount of intensive training here...the experience and training that we get here(at the Boardman Police Dept) is invaluable..."

Again, this man is on of the valuable employees of Boardman Police Dept., this man not only *WOULD* risk his life for innocent and not-so-Innocent victims of crimes, this young man *DOES* risk his life, on a *DAILY* basis, for the rest of us - this young man, this law enforcer, who came to the Boardman Police Department, because he *knows* that the Boardman Police Department is A PINNACLE, among police departments .

Ah, but there *IS* a problem, as *this* law enforcer has put his house on the market---up for sale---the house that he had hoped to bring his soon-to-be bride to and carry her o're the threshold...the house that this brave law enforcer hope to make his home w/ his new wife----oh, his *new* wife ??? Well,, he's had to put his wedding on hold , also. He's done this because there are rumors about in the township-rumors about in Boardman, rumors that the township will have to cut the number of law enforcers, the number of brave women and men that spend their shift work risking their lives for ours. Risking their lives, making *OUR* community a better place to work and live. Quietly and ' thanklessly' risking *THEIR* lives, as we live ours.

In weeks to come, we may be told that we cannot afford these local heroes, when the truth is: WE CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITH OUT THEM .

~Louie b.

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