Brain food from the heartland


« Brain food from the heartland

The beautification of '*ugly* -pug one

Ok.ok. OK-I know-what is beautiful and what isn\'t? What\'s ugly and what isn\'t. <br />This isn\'t REALLY about that, it\'s

Time out ? who's priorities?

*Time has come today-<br />Young hearts can go their way-<br />Can\'t put it off another day-<br />I don\'t care what others

Sleepwaking-nap one.

There are a lot of \'*-iacs*\' that I\'ve -been called , but THIS one,I would have never (watch this) *dreamed* : insomniac.

Zaftig women and o.j simpson:what's really important

[below, from the Ohio Revised Code]<br /><br />*5149.34 Local corrections planning board*<br /><br />*(A)(1) If a county desi