Be a parent not a pushover-take your own advice.


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


I *just* saw an advertisement for a beer company in the guise of a public service announcement. It portrayed a father who's children asked for a number of things and when the daughter asked for him to buy alcohol for a party , he said "no". The supposed message : *"be a parent, not a pushover"*

This makes me think of the paedophile that offers to babysit or the drug *pusher* that offers samples of an addictive drug.

If alcohol companies REALLY wanted to curb underage drinking, they'd stop targeting our youth in their ads. Unfortunately, they're doing no more than duping you into believing their objective is something other than what it is : recruiting the next generation of consumers of their product- and they're doing a *hell* of a job

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