Political prisoner


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


From today(23. May.07)'s Cleveland Dealer newspaper : *acrylic paintings by prison Picasso Jim Traficant got the brushoff at a public television charity auction when their donor, a juror in Traficant's case who now regrets the guilty verdict, asked auctioneers to broadcast a statement that called the former congressman a "political prisoner.*

The former juror is Leo Glaser of Independence.

To you, Mr.Glaser : Let me clarify who the political prisoners are.
We,the people of what was the 17thDistrict of Ohio, that were duped into believing that "the stain" was representing us, when if fact he represented his own interests ! We are left with the yoke that James "the stain" Traficant placed upon us. That's the yoke of political corruption. This area's weighted down by that yoke.
James "the stain" showed Washington,DC, America and the world the yoke that he locked around this valley's neck---a yoke that is taking much effort and many years to break. A yoke and,ah, a brand - branding this area as politically corrupt, mob-corrupted and proud !

Mr.Glaser, this couldn't be w/o help. Shall I call you misguided or more(on) like the 27,487 yokels or *yoke-er's* from the 17th District of Ohio that voted *FOR* the disgraced,mob-connected, corrupt, federally-convicted, second member of the U.S.Congress since the *Civil* War, which ended in 1865, to be removed from and by that very Congress ?

With great work and great fortune, this area,the area that James"the stain" Traficant purported to represent, is working to break that yoke, a yoke-a brand, that people like YOU,Mr.Glaser choose to help "stain" us with.

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