

« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


I wrote and posted the below blog last October after hearing of Bob Fitzer's diagnosis-a lesson for ALL of us:

by Louie b. Free

Tonight I was going to write about disgraced former lawmaker Mark Foley xc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x80x9cconfirming who and what he is and certainly, what he is notxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x80x9d-but that was before the phone conversation that I just finished.

A few days ago, I was told that Bob Fitzer had been diagnosed w/cancer of the pancreas-one of the most aggressive forms of cancer.

Most that read this blog know Bob. Bob, along w/ Dr. Wm Binning-chair of Youngstown State Universityxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s political science dept and former Mahoning county Republican party fearless leader - hosted Commentary Cafe a.k.a : On the Grille w/Bob and Bill which was heard on WYSU-FM every week. Most remember the Democrats for Change movement that Bob was very active inxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x80x9d and who can forget the Speed of Sound classic cover art that Bob brainfathered? Hey, and the Anthonyxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s Blueblooded-Neathaired birdwatching down-by-the-river incident ???xc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x80x9ctruly a classic story regardless of who tells it or how (xc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2course, WE heard the truth from the birder himself on the LbF Radio Show last year -live on air-during the what would have been Commentary Cafexc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s 10 Anniversary Show).

So, I just spoke with Bob and had my fears confirmed-Bob DOES have pancreatic cancer. Bob shared this thought with me: xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2x9d Louie, if I had died from a massive heart attack I would never have had the opportunity to say, Louie, I love you-to you,Louie and to the others in my life that I lovexc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2xa6xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2x9d Wow, therexc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s that lesson again : why do we wait-often till itxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s too late-to tell those that we love that we do love them? Why do we make such an important act, such powerful,meaningful,important words do difficult to say-so rare ??? Why does it so often take sadness,impending death,loss to move us, to motivate us, almost forcing us to verbally express our love for each other ? Why doesnxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2t merely the joy of life, the exhilaration of love move us to express ourselves ? ahh, maybe Ixc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2ll attempt to deal with those questions in another in the Unanswered Knock of Love whatevers, but for now:

I LOVE YOU TOO BOBxc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2xa6xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2xa6xc3xa2xe2x82xacxc2xa6


11 Oct 06 9:38p

~Louie b.

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