What memorial for the war on iraq vets?
« Brain food from the heartland
by Louie b. Free | 349 entries
Ixc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2ve queried many times on-air: what type of memorial will we, the U.S. of A. do for the veterans of our war on Iraq?
What will it look like?
Maybe sculptures of the following:
A woman with her goggles fused to her face from the resulting heat and fire of an explosive device hitting the female soldierxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s Humvee.(NYTimes)
A man w/a blank stare sitting in a chair-his head dented, a portion of his skull lost after an explosion(Washington Post).
A soldier w/an arm around his wife and young child, unable to completely hug them due to the loss of his other arm.
Another soldier w/ a syringe in his arm pumping heroin in an attempt to pump out the memories of his brake-less tank crushing an Iraqi child.
Two female soldiers,former baskeballers, attempting to play ball,each w/a hook replacing an arm(NYTimes ).
Parents sobbing while they are given a flag instead of their boy.
Men proudly wearing wearing their desert camo issue clothing while in line at a soup kitchen.
~Louie b.
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