London calling,this time ,listen !


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


If you were listening on Thursday 11 May,you heard the president of the Int'l Stategic Studies Association( ),Gregory Copley refer to the British government's assesment/findings of the 07July05 London tube bombings as "LIES"-I'll play Gregory's assesment + +++I'll play the tape from our 07July05 show where I interviewed the British Broadcast Corp's Vincent Dowd on air at 8:15 am our time-just hours after the London bombing!

We'll be talking with:
Melanie Phillips,
author of:
Published by
Gibson Square in the UK.
The suicide bombings carried out in London in 2005 by British Muslims revealed an alarming network of Islamist terrorists and their sympathizers. Under the noses of British intelligence, London became the European hub for the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamist terror and extremism - so much so that it has been mockingly dubbed 'Londonistan'. In this ground-breaking book, Melanie Phillips pieces together the story of how Londonistan developed as a result of the collapse of British self-confidence and national identity and its resulting paralysis by multiculturalism and appeasement. The result is an ugly climate in Britain of irrationality and defeatism, which now threatens to undermine the alliance with America and imperil the defence of the free world.

"Melanie Phillipsxc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x84xa2s Londonistan is a last-minute warning for Britain and for much of the free world ... This book is powerful and frightening, but also courageous. In dictatorships, you need courage to fight evil; in the free world, you need courage to see the evil.
xc3xa2xe2x82xacxe2x80x9dNatan Sharansky
Melanie Phillips is a British journalist and author. She is best known for her controversial column about political and social issues which currently appears in the Daily Mail. Awarded the Orwell Prize for journalism in 1996, she is the author of All Must Have Prizes, an acclaimed study of Britain's educational and moral crisis, which provoked the fury of educationists and the delight and relief of parents. Her ideas have influenced politicians in both government and opposition, who follow her battles in the culture wars with fascination. Styled a conservative by her opponents, she prefers to think of herself as defending authentic liberal values against the attempt to destroy western culture from within.

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