Happy father's day?


« Brain food from the heartland

by Louie b. Free   | 349 entries


I've had a number of ideas to post about and actually have a few lines 'in draft' for an upcoming blog(wow-really hi-tech for me--Jason ,John Marty and Rocco must be proud!). When I opened the area newspapers it became apparent what I needed to write about:


Yes,Father's Day-a day to honour DAD! A day when Dad's King! A day that the family honours dad - his love and value to the family. A day of cards,presents,picnics,dinners-a day to let dad sleep in,play golf,relax,spend family time-kid's focusing on dad and dad focusing on kids-maybe a barbecue,cook out,a few(NOT a few too many) beers for Dad,maybe some backyard baseball,quoits,volleyball,water ballooning,Dad performing physical feats of strength,badminton,goodminton--just some fun with DAD! Yep-TODAY'S FATHER'S DAY-a day of celebration for most,some sadness for some who've lost their Dads as I have-Dad's who've lived full lives-sure,you'd have like to have had them around a bit longer-but they lived to see You/Me grow up,some get married,some have children-grandchildren for Dad to REALLY show the MAN he can be-as my Dad was , a better Grandfather than a father-and w/due respect-I'm certain I will be a better grand father than a father(if my Son provides me w/the opportunity)- Less pressure/more maturity/more experience/less drugs(in my case),etc. My father had a wonderful 46 year marriage to my mother ,got to see and help raise grandchildren,spend retired time w/the woman he adored,etc.

Ah,Yes-FATHER'S DAY-and on this Father's Day,as I opened the area newspapers,it became apparent that I needed to write,not about meth(The Vindy+Patty Mead's got an important meth series beginning today),not about the Dysfunctional Criminal Justice(non)Working Group of Mahoning County,not about the Sheriff's failed attempt at leadership,but about FATHER'S Day and the sadness brought to many on this day as WE stand idly by the blood of many fathers and sons and daughters of fathers on THIS Father's Day.

Headline,Akron Beacon Journal today,Father's Day:

Let me tell you a little about the soldier that was "laid to rest " yesterday after being killed in Iraq . His name is(was) Daniel B. Crabtree. Daniel was 31 years old. Daniel's job-state side-was making his community a better place to work and / or live by donning a bullet-proof vest and gun before every shift that he worked w/the Cuyahoga Falls Police department. Daniel also leaves his young wife,Kathy w/o a husband. At the funeral,Steve Hodges, a long time friend of Daniel Crabtree read a letter he wrote to his friend's 17 month-old daughter,Mallory, on the "occasion" of her daddy's funeral:

"The proudest moment of his(Daniel Crabtree) life was when you were born,Mallory"

Happy Father's Day Mallory, to you and to the thousands and thousands of children who are left to a day and a lifetime of dread on this and every Father's Day,on every day, as we,we the people of these United States of America,continue to stand idly by your father's blood,on this FATHER'S DAY.

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