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VTR - Grow Youngstown
Elsa Higby of Grow Youngstown joins Todd Franko and Louie b. Free to discuss the Farm-to-You program.
Giving a Voice to Local Farms
Elsa Higby discusses what brought her back to Youngstown Ohio and surprises Louie b. Free with her impressive a capella performance.Discuss | March 6, 2014
Plentiful Produce Packages
Elsa Higby of Grow Youngstown explains the signup process for the Farm-to-You program.Discuss | March 6, 2014
Produce Provenance
Elsa Higby of Grow Youngstown discusses organic produce and the benefits of purchasing from local farms.Discuss | March 6, 2014
What's in the box?
You may be asking yourself, "What's in the box!?", but don't fret - Elsa Higby of Grow Youngstown explains what subscribers of the "Farm-to-You" program will receive each month.Discuss | March 6, 2014
Omniverous Appetites
"Farm-to-You" isn't just for vegans. As Todd Franko was glad to find, it also has a variety of add-on animal products, ranging from chicken and beef to cheese and honey.Discuss | March 6, 2014
Cow Pie Calamity
Elsa Higby of Grow Youngstown discusses the difficulties of chemical cross contamination of crops.Discuss | March 6, 2014