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TEDx Talks


Dr. Adam Earnheardt talks about the upcoming TEDx Talk at YSU with Todd Franko and discusses his views on social media.

Dr. Adam Earnheardt talks about the upcoming TEDx Talk at YSU with Todd Franko.

What is TEDx?

Dr. Adam Earnheardt talks about the upcoming TEDx Talk at YSU with Todd Franko.

Discuss | January 9, 2014

Dr. Adam Earnheardt discusses the topic of his upcoming TEDx Talk, explaining how he thinks sports combined with social media may help to build peace.

Giving Peace a Sporting Chance

Dr. Adam Earnheardt discusses the topic of his upcoming TEDx Talk, explaining how he thinks sports combined with social media may help to build peace.

Discuss | January 9, 2014

Dr. Adam Earnheardt declassifies a few simple tips and offers some useful insights into managing your social media accounts.

Social Media Survival Guide

Dr. Adam Earnheardt declassifies a few simple tips and offers some useful insights into managing your social media accounts.

Discuss | January 9, 2014