Astros vs Baird
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Astros vs Baird
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator Astros pitcher Chase Franken gets congrats from catcher Connor Miller(27) after beating Baird 7-17-18 at Cene.
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator AstrosVince Armeni(13) heads for 3rd during 7-17-18 game with Baird at Cene.
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator Astros catcher Connor Millergives congrts to Chase Franken(23) and Ricky Havrilla(41) after they scored during 7-17-18 game with Baird at Cene.
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator Baird's Ethan Shaw(3) is out at 2nd as Astro's SS Vince Armeni(13) prepares to throw to 1rst for a double play during 7-17-18 game at Cene.
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator Astros withthe trophy after 7-17-18 game with Baird at Cene.
WilliamD. Lewis The Vindicator Astros pitcher Chase Franken delivers during 7-17-18 game with Baird at Cene.