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These photos show a variety of shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.

Shadow images cast by the wire artwork of Larry Kagan at The Butler Institute of American Art on Wick Avenue.