Rotary Club of Youngstown recently celebrated its 103rd anniversary at …

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CONTRIBUTED PHOTO | published: February 23, 2018

Rotary Club of Youngstown recently celebrated its 103rd anniversary at Flad Pavilion in the DeYor Performing Arts Center. Presentation of the Paul Harris Fellow Awards took place and were given to Rotarians or their designees in recognition of donations of $1,000 or more to the humanitarian and educational programs of the Rotary Foundation. A special Paul Harris Award was presented to Dr. Rashid Abdu for his impact on the Mahoning Valley community and to Ellie Platt for outstanding community involvement. Above, from left, are Frank Kishel, president of chapter; Suzanne Fleming, past president; Dr. Abdu; Sherry Anderson; Scott Schulick, past president and Rotary District 6650 governor-elect.