Neighbors | Submitted.Holy Family student council representatives with advisors Renee …

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Special to The Vindicator | published: December 13, 2018

Neighbors | Submitted.Holy Family student council representatives with advisors Renee Abbattista and Lissa Oslin posed with canned food items for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. Pictured are, from left, (front) Joey Loree, Olivia Becker, Abigail Markey, Sophia Rotunno, J.D. Memo, Logan Hackstedde; (back) Marco Beato, Renee Abbattista, Brady Desmond, Braden Joss, Samantha Rotunno, Mia Schrickel, Cameron Burk, Constantine Stamp, Lissa Oslin and Cameron Hackstedde.