SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR The Woodrow Wilson High School Class …

Special to The Vindicator | published: October 14, 2016
SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR The Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1951 celebrated its 65th reunion on Sept. 9 at the Georgeanne Parker Pavilion, Boardman Park. Classmates attending the event, on the floor from left, are Mary Sobanonsky, Arlene Keasey, Edward Powell, Parker McHenry, Joe Nudo and Joe Scavina. In the second row are Gladys Stahara, Mary Ann Catullo, Lillian Tessean, George Sabel, Betty Malenic, Cecillia Schosser and Dorothy Bragnoli. In back are Carmela Crump, Jean Danko, Jean LaTessa, Angelina DeAngelis, John Timer, Marge Belcisk, Edward Steinke, Nick Tiberio and Lenny DiTommaso.