SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR | Students at St. Patrick School ...

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Special to The Vindicator | published: May 13, 2016

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR | Students at St. Patrick School in Hubbard are helping to raise money for the family of Hannah Tringhese, 6, a kindergarten student at Struthers Elementary School who has been diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. Classroom doors have signs that say “Pray for Hannah” to remind students to keep Hannah and her family in their daily prayers. The students also have sponsored activities to raise additional funds, including two “Purple Dress Down Days” in April, in which students and staff paid $1 or more to not wear uniforms or professional attire, but to dress in Hannah’s favorite color. Other activities included donations of items to fill baskets for a basket raffle as part of a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and purchases of “Hannah Strong” T-shirts and bracelets made by Hannah’s cousin, Lia Fiorini, a second-grade student. Above, Leeana Cortes, a first-grader, puts a game in one of the donation baskets for Hannah.