SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Christ the Good Shepherd Parish in …

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Special to The Vindicator | published: June 15, 2016

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Christ the Good Shepherd Parish in Campbell has been making and selling pirogi for at least 65 years, and the tradition shows no signs of slowing down. Among the parishioners who make and sell the treats are, seated from left, Sandy Redeske and Dorothy Stellmar, and standing, first row, Pam Lemmo, Tess Szenborn, Shirley Evangelista, Pat Bozichovich and Brenda Snitzer; row two, Mary Terese Driscoll, Holly Badila, Elaine Tabak, Mary Ann Masi and Theresa Sebest; row three, Bernie Flowers, Marlene Valerio, Sara Svagerko, Ann Zuzga, Becky Reger, Jo Carron, Cindy Gaitanis and Liz Yanek; and row four, Betty Simchick, Priscilla Turscak, Mary Malys, Bob Flowers, Dave Parsons, Flo Patterson, Dorothy Hanlon and Rosemarie DeAngelo. Other pirogi workers are Sally Falasca, Judy Kinkela, Jane Marenkovic, Fran Masi and Gabe Masi.