SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Canfield Lions recently hosted their annual ...

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Special to The Vindicator | published: December 23, 2016

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Canfield Lions recently hosted their annual Christmas party at the Sojourner House. Members donated toys for Toys for Tots and items for the Sojourner House. Two new members were inducted after dinner followed by a gift exchange and a reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Above, from left, are Luanne McLane, Sojourner House case manager; Mary Ann Dzuracky, Lions president; and Audrey Walker, Sojourner House operations manager. In the bottom left, Ted Filmer, Lions past district governor, presents silver centennial and silver builders key awards to Lion Phil Bova for sponsoring 15 members. And bottom right are Kurt Beler and Cathy Price, new members. For information, visit www.canfield-lions.com or Facebook.