SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Austintown Community Church Preschool will sponsor …

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Special to The Vindicator | published: May 7, 2013

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Austintown Community Church Preschool will sponsor a bike-a-thon May 13 through 16 at the church, 242 S. Canfield-Niles Road. Cindy Ellashek, preschool director, says the children develop motor skills while learning about bicycle safety. Ready to conquer the course are Evan Grenamyer, left, Jason Corll and Victoria Jones. Classmates will design and construct buildings from cardboard boxes to create a town for the bike course. Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services recently recognized the preschool for going beyond Ohio’s licensing standards. There also will be a bake sale May 14 and 15 during the event, which will support a relay scheduled for June 7 and 8 at the high school.