SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Lions and Lioness clubs of Austintown …

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Special to The Vindicator | published: July 31, 2013

SPECIAL TO THE VINDICATOR Lions and Lioness clubs of Austintown conducted their installation of officers recently at Rachel’s Restaurant in Austintown. Presiding was King Lion Larry Jensen. Past District Governor Bob Booher, from Canal Fulton Lions Club, served as the installing officer and presented Donald Hoelzel with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. From left are Bill Sywy, incoming president; Booher; and Lori Stone, incoming Lioness president. Other Lions officers are Bob Melcher, first vice president; Jack Kochansky, second vice president; Harold Wilson, secretary; Jensen, treasurer and Lioness liaison; Jim Banyots, tail twister; Hoelzel, lion tamer; Bob Whited, membership director and public relations; Glenn Ringer, two-year director; and John Facemyer, one-year director. Lioness officers include Lou Skerkavich, vice president; Teresa McCallen, secretary; and Jane Grace, treasurer. Melcher also was honored as Lion of the Year.