St. Johns Commandery 20, Knights Templar of Youngstown, conducted its …

Special to The Vindicator | published: July 3, 2012
St. Johns Commandery 20, Knights Templar of Youngstown, conducted its annual installation of officers recently at the Masonic Temple in Youngstown. Taking office were Robert K. Ellway, eminent commander; Dominic M. Lucarelli, generalissimo; James A. Streeky, captain general; Timothy N. Flack, senior warden; D. Joseph Moore, junior warden; Richard J. Brady, recorder; Timothy A. Johnson, treasurer; Zel E. Bush, prelate; Gary S. Farrant, standard bearer; James B. Parker IV, sword bearer; and William M. Weems, trustee. Sitting, from left to right, are Lucarelli, Ellway and Streeky, and standing are Dale E. Hawkins, Farrant, Parker, Brady, Moore, Bush, Flack and Johnson.