Helping to get Toys for Tots: At their annual Toys …

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Special to The Vindicator | published: December 21, 2010

Helping to get Toys for Tots: At their annual Toys for Tots auction the Warren Republican Women’s Club raised $1,368 for the Marine Corps’ annual campaign to help area children at Christmas. They presented the check to a Marine representative Dec. 2 at DiLucia’s banquet center in Warren. In the front row, from left to right, are Shelby McElravy, second vice president and auction chairwoman; Mike Fuchilla, auctioneer; and Cary Ann Koren, first vice president. In the second row are Gail Druschel, auction committee member; Barbara Tryon, president; Chief Warrant Officer 4 Emiliano DeLeon of Toys for Tots, who is holding the check; and Dorie Harris, hostess.