Valley Grows
Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.
« News / Valley Grows
Finch seed not invasive thistle
Q. I want to feed the goldfinches, but I don’t want thistles all over my yard. Is there a way to do
This tasty vegetable can produce in early spring and late fall BEETS ARE TREATS
By Hugh G. EARNHART OSU Ext. master gardener volunteer The beet is the cultivated form of the
Renovating Old Flower Beds
Renovating Old Flower Beds When: Monday, 9:30 a.m.-noon. What: With winter coming to an end,
Know your plant parts
Know your plant parts To identify trees and shrubs that are dormant, understanding buds, bark,
How soon can I plant potatoes?
How soon can I plant potatoes? Don’t get too excited about planting, but you can plant in late
New corn mutants offer sweeter taste for extended time
By Hugh G. EARNHART OSU Ext. master gardener volunteer It has been a long time since our taste
Love ‘em or hate ‘em – wild violets
Q. Those purple violets will be coming up soon. What can I do to control them? Sharon from
These showstoppers come in variety of colors, shapes, sizes SUNFLOWERS
By Marilyn McKinley OSU master gardener volunteer Who doesn’t love sunflowers? Big, bright,
Champion of downtown Youngstown honored by CityScape
Richard Mills, owner of City Centre One, was presented CityScape’s Sweet Grass Roots Award at the 10th Grass Roots Gala Thursday night at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel in downtown Youngstown. Mills also received a watercolor painting of the properties the Mills family owns downtown.
Chat with a Naturalist
Chat with a Naturalist When: Today, 1-3 p.m. What: Stop by the Nature Center to chat with a
Can I still plant garlic?
Can I still plant garlic? Yes, but you will get smaller heads of garlic. When the soil is
Perennial garden design: Color matters
Perennial garden design: Color matters Did you know that planting four times as many cool-colored
Small, but durable wild tulips making a comeback
By Hugh G. EARNHART OSU Ext. master gardener volunteer “Tulip mania” has captured gardeners of
Enjoy, but don’t disturb bald eagles
For years my husband and I have watched the bald eagles in our area. There are so many, but it is still a thrill to see one.
Bare root plants take special care
Q. Are bare root plants OK to buy? Are they a bargain, but lots of work? Will they live long?