Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

« News / Society Columnists

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: She never told of being molested

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I need to talk to someone. No one knows about this —

HELOISE: Sending candy, goodies to troops

Dear Heloise: When my granddaughter was stationed in Iraq, she asked us for candy the troops could

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Animal ‘abuse’ letter hurt her

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: Through circumstances beyond our control, my husband

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Roomies need to work out issues

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I am a 22-year-old college student living on a fixed

HELOISE: How to clean shower curtains

Dear Heloise: I’ve been looking for the hint on how to launder a shower curtain. I recall it

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: She feels trapped in her marriage

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: My husband and I own a business together that would

HELOISE: Learning about help with vet bills

Dear Heloise: Thank you for your column! I’m hoping you may have some information to help me. I am

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Lazy son plays on parents’ guilt

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I am ready for the loony farm. Both of my adult sons

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: This teen could use some humility

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I am a 14-year-old girl. I am arguably the smartest

HELOISE: Need to reserve a hotel? Be prepared

Dear Heloise: Please help sales representatives. I am a sales representative for a major hotel and

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Nipping hubby’s situation in the bud

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I desperately need someone to tell me whether or not

HELOISE: Cleaning ‘musty’ down pillows

Dear Heloise: I have some goose-down pillows that smell “musty,” and I would like to know how to

HELOISE: Multiple ways to tenderize meat

Dear Heloise: Lately, meat (such as London broil and beef roast) seems to be very tough to eat after

ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Mom has no interest in giving up booze

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: My mom is 50 years old and just told me that she has

HELOISE: Keep your wipers working

Dear Readers: April is National Car Care Month, sponsored by the Car Care Council (,