Society Columnists

Please note, our last day of publication was Saturday, August 31, 2019.

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Divorcee is reliving childhood

Dear Annie: I am in my late 30s, divorced and live with my parents. Due to complicated

Special family photos discovered in museum exhibit

Dear Heloise: I read the letter from a reader about how she solved her problem of unidentified old

Husband refuses to defend her

Dear Annie: I manage a very small office. Last year, I became involved with my employer and got

Clean paws after an outdoor romp

Dear Readers: It’s snowy and can be wet and cold, but that doesn’t stop your dog from wanting to

Crime can happen to anyone, so be alert

Dear Heloise: I’m a retired deputy sheriff, and my husband’s pocket was picked while we were in

Derek’s disgruntled friend plants seed of doubt

Dear Annie: My husband and I are good friends with three other couples. The guys often go on golf

Son’s dangerous behavior must not be ignored

Dear Annie: My 9-year-old son, “Felix,” is headed down the wrong path. This year in school, he has

Framed calendar art never goes out of date

Dear Readers: Before tossing out that 2008 calendar, take a quick look inside. There might be a

Make your coffee the best it can be

Dear Readers: For many of us, enjoying a morning coffee (with a newspaper) is an important part of

Daughter thinks mother may be depressed

Dear Annie: I’m a 15-year-old girl whose family is struggling in today’s economy. Not long ago, my

Elderly parent is too proud to ask for help

Dear Annie: My father is getting up there in years. He can think and do for himself quite nicely.

R sum , other tips can help with job hunting

Dear Readers: If you are looking for employment and have job applications out or will be going for

Children devastated by father’s betrayal

Dear Annie: My ex-husband was one of those who thought the grass was greener on the other side.

Hints help you be the perfect house guest

Dear Readers: Are you going to be a house guest soon? Here are a few hints to help you be a perfect

Their teenage son continues to make poor choices

Dear Annie: My soon-to-be 17-year-old son has been caught smoking pot several times in the past few