Green New Deal

Green New Deal

Sen. Sherrod Brown, a potential 2020 Democratic presidential contender, shrugged off arguments from liberals Tuesday that signing onto the climate change plan known as the Green New Deal is essential to winning over the party’s base. “I don’t need to co-sponsor every bill that others think they need to co-sponsor to show my progressive politics,” the Ohio Democrat told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. “I want to get something done for people now.” Of the declared and potential Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate, Brown is the only one who hasn’t signed onto the Green New Deal, which was released last week. Brown’s decision to keep his name off of the Green New Deal and single-payer health care, two popular litmus tests for those who want the Democratic Party to embrace sweeping progressive ideas in 2020, gives him a unique lane in the presidential primary should he decide to formally join the campaign.

Associated Press