worth a look


St. Lucy Church and St. Rosa de Lima will host a paddle auction at 3 p.m. March 10 at the Palermo Banquet Center, 394 Tenney Ave., Campbell. Doors open at 2 p.m., and cost is $10 and includes a paddle. Additional paddles will be sold for $1 each that evening. One complimentary bowl of pasta and meatball or arroz con pollo and beans will be offered to each person in attendance. Additional food and refreshments will be available for purchase. Tickets will be available after 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturdays; before and after noon mass on Sundays; or by calling Aida, 330-755-0430 or Liana, 330-755-5438.

St. Patrick Church Celebrate Ministry will host a Mardi Gras Paddle Auction on Saturday at St. Patrick Church, 357 N. Main St., Hubbard. Cost of $10 includes paddle, admission, appetizer and one door-prize entry. Bring your own beverage. Tickets must be purchased in advance due to limited seating. Doors open at 5 p.m. and auction begins at 6. For information, call Teri Ray at 330-534-1928.


Every Dog Matters Rescue will host the “Bow Wow Boogie” benefit dance party from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday at Rolling Mills Bar & Grill, 1025 S. State St., Girard. Entertainment will be the John Reese Project. Advance tickets are $10 and are available from volunteers at EveryDogMatters@yahoo.com; at ShamPoochies Grooming Spa, 1728 Raccoon Road, Austintown; and at Rolling Mills Bar & Grill. Tickets at the door will be $12. There will be basket and 50-50 raffles. Proceeds benefit Every Dog Matters Rescue. For information, visit on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Every Dog Matters Rescue. Sponsorships available at EveryDogMatters@yahoo.com.

Friendly Squares will host its monthly square dance from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the Niles SCOPE Center, 14 E. State St., Niles. Gene Hammond will be the caller and Frankie Hammond will be cuing line dances. Valentines will be the theme for the dance. This will be a high/low dance with alternating tips for new dancers currently taking lessons and tips for more experienced dancers. Dress is casual and light refreshments will be served. There is a $6 donation per person at the door. For information, call Gene Hammond at 330-506-3370.


Helping Hands Closet at Western Reserve United Methodist Church, 4580 Canfield Road, Canfield, has new and gently used clothing for the entire family. February specials are $2 for each item purchased in shop. Open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Tuesday. The shop will host its Spring Fling from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The event will feature prom dresses and accessories, purses, shoes, jewelry. New and nearly new items. 20 percent off all items. A Mary Kay consultant will be giving makeup tips and sample products. Refreshments will be served. There also will be in shop surprises.


Legacy Dog Rescue will host its third annual Reverse Raffle at 6 p.m. April 6 at Avion on the Water Banquet Center, 2177 W. Western Reserve Road, Canfield. Cost is $65 per ticket, which includes dinner for two and one chance to win the grand prize of $1,500. Doors will open at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 and the raffle will take place at 7. There will be a basket auction, games of chance and not-the-typical 50-50 raffle. Tickets may be reserved by email to Jenn at jenn@aol.com; by texting Heather at 330-717-0635; or by mailing a check payable to Legacy Dog Rescue, P.O. Box 3643, Youngstown, OH 44513. For information, visit www.ldrofohio.org.

Pink Ribbon Golf Classic will take place July 15 at Avalon Lakes Golf and Country Club. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. The event will be an 18-hole scramble with lunch and a basket auction and raffle. For information, call Donna Mowrey at 330-207-9630 or Nancy Felton at 330-533-2712.

Western Reserve Amateur Radio Club will host an amateur radio FCC licensing testing session at 6:45 p.m. Feb. 19 at Davison’s Restaurant, 3636 Canfield Road. There is a $15 cash fee payable at the exam session. The session is for anyone who is ready to test for a first-time technician license or upgrade to the next level of licensure. Contact Bob Mitzel at 575-910-1456 to sign up and receive information on what to take to the exam.


Mineral Ridge Alumni Association is sponsoring a bus trip to Rivers Casino Pittsburgh on Feb. 20. Cost is $35 with $20 for slots and a $5 food bonus. Photo identification is required at the casino. Bus will leave at 9 a.m. from St. Mary Catholic Church, 3504 state Route 46. Arrive at 8:30 for complimentary coffee and doughnuts. Payment is required in advance with checks made payable and sent to Mineral Ridge Alumni Association, P.O. Box 191, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440. Proceeds benefit the scholarship fund. For information or reservations, call Dave Williams at 330-559-6719. The bus will leave from the casino at approximately 4:30 p.m. and arrive by 6:30.

Youngstown State University and Cliffe College will host a bus trip to New York City from March 21 to 23. The trip will feature a performance by the Dana Piano Trio at Carnegie Hall. Seats are limited. The bus will leave YSU at 8 a.m. March 21. There will be one stop for lunch, and participants must pay for their own. The bus will return to YSU at 6:30 p.m. March 23. Cost is: four persons/two double beds – $425 per person; three persons/two double beds – $460 per person; two persons/two double beds or one king – $550 per person (must specify double or king bed); and one person/one king – $850 per person. Price includes Round trip motor coach; hotel/taxes/fees; grab & go breakfast (Friday & Saturday); Tour of Steinway Piano Factory; Friday lunch; Dana Piano Trio Concert and reception. Payment deadline is Feb. 22. No refunds will be issued after that date. Contact mcann@ysu.edu or 330-941-3629 for information.

A calendar of activities to which the public is invited is published each Tuesday. Please submit information to the Society Department by noon Friday.