Keys to picture-perfect TV buying



Buying a TV can be thrilling, yet daunting.

To maximize the exhilaration – while minimizing the uncertainty – experts say to pay attention to at least five things.

You may be considering a new TV ahead of the Super Bowl, but these tips work throughout the year, too.


Size alone shouldn’t be the deciding factor, but it will be a large part of your decision – both literally and figuratively.

“I always tell people to buy the biggest screen that they can afford and that will fit in their room,” says Tim Alessi, the director of product marketing at LG Electronics. “Because I’ve never met anybody yet who has said, ‘Oh darn. I wish I bought a smaller TV.”’


But you need room for that big TV in your budget. Thankfully, the period leading up to the Super Bowl is a time for all-star deals.

“A 70-inch TV, for example, we’ll have on the market leading up to the Super Bowl at under $1,000,” Alessi says.

Last year, TVs were on sale at Amazon, Best Buy, Costco and Target at the end of January, but TV sales also happen throughout the year.


Once you’ve narrowed the selection, think about what you want it to do. If you’re upgrading for the first time in years, compare the latest innovations to see which ones match your viewing habits.

Ask yourself questions about things such as the TV’s smart capability. Do you want a TV that can tell your Roomba to start cleaning?

And as for the all-important decision of LCD versus OLED, here’s a quick cheat sheet from Brennan. For the most part, LCD (which has an LED backlight) works well in bright rooms, while OLED suits dark environments dedicated to TV viewing.


Next, make sure you have any extra equipment you’ll need.

Sound is an especially important consideration. You could use the TV’s sound as is, but you may consider buying a sound bar or audio/video receiver separately to enhance the sound, according to Michael Greco, senior director of global brand management at Sound United.

If you do, remember to read the “What’s in the box” packaging. (I can’t be the only person who ordered a TV without the necessary cables to hook it up.)


Finally, make a plan to get that fancy new screen home. Particularly for wall mounting, as opposed to a TV stand, consider springing for professional delivery and installation.

Ask about installation warranties, too. These can give you peace of mind you won’t get if you hang it yourself.