PSU Extension offers strength-training program

Staff report


Penn State Extension will offer an in-person and group-based strength-training program for inactive to moderately active adults age 40 and older.

“LIFT” stands for Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together. It will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Sept.17 and running through Nov. 14.

The program will be at the Penn State Extension Mercer County office, 463 N. Perry Highway. Participation may result in improvements in functional fitness or the ability to perform activities of daily living with ease.

“LIFT” sessions include eight core strength-training exercises and a cool-down period. The program also encourages participants to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Strength training offers physical, mental and emotional benefits including increased muscle mass and strength.

Cost is $60. Some insurance policies may reimburse participants with 80 percent or better attendance. Those attending should check with their insurance provider for more information.

To register, visit or call 877-345-0691.