Justin Padurean et al v. Ruben Kocher et al, money.
National Collegiate Student Loan Trust v. Trysha Walls, judgment for plaintiff.
Brett Woolever, 24141 U.S. Route 30, East Rochester, and Valerie Woolever, of same.
Brandy Felger and Adam Felger.
Rodney Golden and Gena Golden.
Emily Rock, 25614 Winona Road, Homeworth, v. Gregory Rock, 200 Idaho Ave., Salem.
Patricia Young v. Brian Young.
Christy Baker v. Richard Baker.
Marvin C. Miller, 24, of Middlefield, and Ada S. Troyer, 21, of same.
Anthony J. Carrozzi, 26, of Girard, and Hope E. Barone, 24, of same.
Diane M. Watson, 44, of Warren, and Mark A. Penn, 52, of same.
Melanie C. Masters, 26, of Warren, and Joseph R. Shreves, 26, of same.
Kathy L. Gregory, 55, of Cortland, and Dennis M. Ansman, 34, of same.
Joseph M. Castor Jr., 33, of Girard, and Kayla J.A. Swertfager, 26, of same.
Lisa A. Knight, 55, of Vienna, and John D. Puskas, 60, of same.
David A. Duffy, 42, of Newton Falls, and Amanda K. Henning, 41, of same.
Benjamin R. Milhoan, 21, of Warren, and Bethany L. Rice, 24, of same.
Jennifer N. Grimes, 28, of Cuyahoga Falls, and Cody A. Fedler, 29, of Southington.
John F. Colla, 29, of Austintown, and Samantha J. Mirto, 27, of Warren.
Marty F. Simons Jr., 29, of Newton Falls, and Tiesha A. Williamson, 36, of same.
Alexis M. Dawson, 26, of North Bloomfield, and Andrew B. Grahl, 26, of Leavittsburg.
Howard R.R. Jewell, 41, of Warren, and Christy A. Oliver, 40, of same.
Michael G. Love, 54, of Fowler, and Gina M. Graening, 54, of same.
Sonya L. Pinkins, 55, of Youngstown, and Jerry McKinney, 69, of Boardman.
Danny Roman, 41, of Trumbull County, and Daisy L. Daniel, 29, of same.
Joshua E. Merlino, 38, of Niles, and Chelsea L. Dzurilla, 27, of same.
Wayne E. Smith Jr., 46, of Cortland, and Dreama K. Fellows, 46, of same.
Samantha L. Shaffer, 27, of Warren, and Jacob E. Sloan, 29, of same.
Michael S. Cumberledge, 46, of Warren, and Kimberly K. Kallio, 51, of same.
Jared P. Timko, 39, of Niles, and Danielle M. Wylie, 39, of same.
Brian E. Lancaster, 38, of Bristolville, and Tina M. Armstrong, 38, of same.
Jason A. Liccardi, 38, of Warren, and Erin K. Alden, 37, of same.
Tammie Price, 48, of Warren, and Roscoe Casseday, 42, of same.
Manda A. Lueders, 27, of Orwell, and John T. Jacobs, 27, of Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Samantha J. Wansor, 23, of Sharpsville, Pa., and Benjamin A. Bucher, 23, of Brookfield.
Pingora Loan Servicing LLC v. Samuel Bayer et al, foreclosure.
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Todd D. Evans et al, foreclosure.
Citizens Bank NA v. John E. Turkovich Revocable Trust et al, foreclosure.
Bank of New York Mellon v. Kathryn Pratt et al, foreclosure.
Bank of New York Mellon Trust Co. NA v. Theresa M. Whitt et al, foreclosure.
Midfirst Bank v. Deborah J. Laprocina et al, foreclosure.
Wells Fargo Bank NA v. John S. Olson et al, foreclosure.
Wilmington Trust NA v. Jacquelyn Taylor et al, foreclosure.
Quicken Loans Inc. v. Brian Ewing et al, foreclosure.
LVNV Funding LLC v. Deborah Lewis, default.
C&F Finance Co. v. Jackie Burns, default.
Ronald B. Snyder Jr. v. Vincent Pappada et al, dismissed.
David J. Curl v. Westhill Automotive Inc., dismissed.
Melissa R. Gearhart v. Tina A. Griffin, dismissed.
US Bank NA v. Annice L. Provitt et al, dismissed.
Wells Fargo Bank NA v. Shirley Pisano et al, dismissed.
Diana S. Gibbs v. Frank P. Cranfield et al, dismissed.
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Jamie Ferlan, dismissed.
American Advisors Group v. Kimberley B. Sturm et al, dismissed.
LVNV Funding LLC v. Tamara Decost, dismissed.
Chemical Bank v. Kimberly L. Schwab et al, dismissed.
Deutsche Bank Trust Co. v. Llewellyn Golden et al, dismissed.
Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. William Kelley, dismissed.
State v. Marlon Allen, sentenced.
State v. Shaquille D. Chatmon, sentenced (2).
State v. Patricia A. Morton Buford, sentenced.
State v. Christina Kenney, sentenced.
State v. Alexis R. Estes, sentenced.
State v. Charles R. Ellis, sentenced.
State v. Jesse Adams, sentenced.
State v. John L. Euler, sentenced.
State v. Kardell Lowery Jr., sentenced.
State v. Joshua M. White, sentenced.
State v. Nicholas J. Lee, sentenced.
State v. Charles Streeter, sentenced.
State v. Federico A. Hierro, sentenced.
State v. Daniel L. Hiles, sentenced.
Eddie Moore v. Shane C. Stein et al, settled.
Patricia A. Mabry et al v. Angelica M. Kociolek et al, settled.
Carol A. Delgiudice v. Ashley L. Benetis et al, settled.
Sam Lamancusa v. James Kalogerou et al, dismissed.
Wells Fargo Bank NA v. Jeffrey W. Sipe et al, dismissed.
Lesley A. Tietz and Ryan D. Tietz.
Victoria Hodovanic and Patrick Hodovanic.
Cristina Golden and Willie L. Golden Jr.
David A. Dick v. Misty A. Dick.
Anthony J. Depaul v. Elizabeth Depaul.
Pia Morris v. Robert L. Earhardt.
Christopher L. Smith v. Kristina Gregory.
Wanda Collins v. Thomas Collins.