Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Children were able to get their face painted and make beaded bracelets at Fellows Riverside Gardens on June 21 for Family Fun Day.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Children played with water beads at the Mill Creek Park's Family Fun Day on June 21 at Fellows Riverside Gardens.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Izzy and Jackson Zink participated in a science experiment where they learned about how much liquid clouds can hold before it rains at Fellows Riverside Gardens.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker .Children and their families gathered at Fellows Riverside Gardens where they went from station to station playing games or doing crafts for the Family Fun Day on June 21.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker .The Pop Up Library visited Fellows Riverside Gardens June 21 during the park's Family Fun Day event.
Fellows Riverside Gardens hosted a Family Fun Fridays event on June 21.
The event is offered every summer by the park for children and their families.
Naturalist Lynn Zocolo organized the event, which runs from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
“It’s just a fun way to bring the community together and give children the chance to get out doors,” Zocolo said.
During the event, children worked on crafts, making bracelets to take home.
The park organized bingo and sensory stations for children to play with.
Volunteers also helped run the event, running a science experiment station.
Children were able to use glasses of water topped with shaving cream to simulate how rain works.
“We use a dropped full of blue food coloring to show that the clouds can only hold so much weight before the water falls,” Zocolo said.
Free face painting was also available to the children.
The event is hosted every other Friday throughout the summer.
For more information on upcoming park events, go to www.millcreekmetroparks.org.