Expand gardening knowledge at spring seminar


OSU Ext. master gardener volunteer


We all need advice on practical changes to our landscape. And, we all want garden art to beautify that landscape.

Once again, Mahoning County Master Gardeners and OSU Extension staff are presenting a spring-gardening seminar April 27 to further your gardening knowledge.

This year’s seminar promises to be bigger and better than ever with two keynote speakers, a choice of four break-out sessions and even a make-and-take garden-art session.

Also included are giveaways, a garden-art sale, numerous door prizes and a take-home booklet summarizing and providing additional information for each presentation. A continental breakfast and a hot lunch catered by Broad Street Diner are included in the $40 registration fee.

The first speaker is Laura Deeter, Ph.D., a professor of landscape horticulture and horticulture science at OSU Agricultural Technical Institute in Wooster.

Deeter will share her knowledge of landscape design for the home garden and discuss ideas that work for the modern landscape. Her knowledge of woody and herbaceous plants will spark inspiration and generate new ideas for your own garden.

After lunch, Keith Kaiser’s keynote topic will be “Ornamental Vines for Your Garden.” Kaiser is executive director of the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. He has 40 years of experience in the field of horticulture with a focus on ornamental plant cultivation. He will talk about annual and woody vines that grow well in our climate.

The four breakout sessions offer a variety of topics. In the morning, attend “Pollinators!” and learn what to plant to bring pollinators to the garden and what features encourage a variety of bees, including the most efficient of all, the mason bee.

Also in the morning, “Two Seasons of Edible Crops,” will highlight both cool season and warm season veggies for the garden. The speakers will cover veggies to start indoors. They also will discuss vegetable pests and disease.

The afternoon sessions are “Introducing Tropicals in Your Spring Planting,” in which you can learn how to use cannas, elephant ears, and bananas in containers or the garden, how to plant and winterize. “Three Seasons of Perennials” will allow you to hear about perennials that bloom early, late and long term.

If you want to add a focal point to the garden, attend an instructional session on alcohol ink tiles and create a piece of garden art to brighten the garden or patio.

Check out the agenda at go.osu.edu/springintoaction. Call 330-533-5538 to register.