Bail set for mom who passed out at bus garage


A woman found passed out in a car Monday at the city schools bus garage who is accused of having methamphetamine was arraigned today in municipal court.

Magistrate Anthony Sertick set bail at $7,500 on a possession of drugs charge for Jonnie Winslow, 31, of Youngstown. She also received a $2,500 bond for a disorderly conduct charge that has been pending since 2013.

Police found Winslow and another woman about 5:45 p.m. Monday passed out at the garage while they were investigating after two of Winslow’s children and a third she has been taking care of could not be dropped off at her home by a school bus because there was no adult present.

Both women admitted taking methadone, reports said. Winslow was charged when police found a bag of methamphetamine where she was sitting when she got out of the car.

She remains in the Mahoning County jail.