Today is Saturday, Sept. 22, the 265th day of 2018. There are 100 days left in the year. Autumn arrives at 9:54 p.m. Eastern time.


On this date in:

1776: During the Revolutionary War, Capt. Nathan Hale, 21, is hanged as a spy by the British in New York.

1911: Pitcher Cy Young, 44, gains his 511th and final career victory as he hurls a 1-0 shutout for the Boston Rustlers against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field.

1975: Sara Jane Moore attempts to shoot President Gerald R. Ford outside a San Francisco hotel but misses.

1980: The Persian Gulf conflict between Iran and Iraq erupts into full-scale war.

1993: Forty-seven people are killed when an Amtrak passenger train falls off a bridge and crashes near Mobile, Ala.

2013: President Barack Obama speaks at a memorial service for the 12 men and women killed in the Washington Navy Yard shooting, calling on Americans to raise their voices against gun violence.

2017: As the scale of the damage from Hurricane Maria starts to become clearer, Puerto Rican officials say they cannot contact more than half of the communities in the U.S. territory, where all power had been knocked out to the island’s 3.4 million people.


1993: Columbiana County Treasurer Ardel Strabala says he didn’t do anything wrong by investing in county funds through his son’s brokerage fund. The FBI says $6 million is missing from county funds.

Most of the parents and students attending a Youngstown Board of Education meeting say they blame the board and Superintendent Alfred Tutela for failure to settle a teachers’ strike.

A consultant tells the New Castle City Council that the Johnson Bronze site is environmentally clean enough to be developed.

1978: Juvenile Court Judge Martin P. Joyce issues his annual warning to area youth that if they get rowdy and break the law at a football game they will spend the weekend in lock-up.

A workman’s torch ignites a bird’s nest in the portico of the old Rayen School of Engineering Building, sparking a fire that heavily damaged the central portion of the Wick Avenue landmark.

U.S. Labor Secretary Ray Marshall tours Youngstown Sheet & Tube. Co.’s closed Campbell Works with area politicians and businessmen, but makes no promise on what the Carter Administration might do to help revitalize the plant.

1968: David L. Eisenbraun, Hitchcock Road, a medical corpsman, is reported killed at Quan Tri, South Vietnam. He is the 61st Mahoning County man to give his life in the Vietnam War.

Maj. Glenna Rummel is the new commanding officer of the South Side Corps of the Salvation Army on West Warren Avenue.

William Cafaro of Youngstown is named the 19th Congressional District’s delegate to the Democratic State Convention.

1943: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces that when the Mosquito Creek Reservoir is full, it will be stocked with fish, making it one of eastern Ohio’s best fishing spots.

Credited with bond sales of $269,125, radio station WFMJ is second-highest among 166 radio stations participating in Bond Day on the Blue, a day devoted by radio networks to selling bonds.

The official order revoking gasoline privileges for passenger cars in the ordnance division of Buick Youngstown because of two alleged pleasure trips taken by Eugene Hopper, company president, goes from Sept. 27 to Jan. 27.