Trolley ride gives information on Mill Creek Park


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Community members waited on the trolley for the tour to start on Aug. 22.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Community members took a two hour trolley tour of Mill Creek Park on Aug. 22 for the Fun Facts Trolley Tour.


Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Trolley driver Bill helped community members board the Cohasset Express for the Fun Facts Trolley Tour of Mill Creek park on Aug. 22.


Mill Creek Park put on a Fun Facts Trolley Tour on Aug. 22.

The tour began at Ford Nature Center where naturalist Cody Stoll met with community members.

Stoll, who specializes in geology, gave fun facts to trolley riders as they traveled throughout the park.

“You can’t drive through the park with out seeing dozens and dozens of things to talk about,” said Carol Vigarito, the recreation and education director at the MetroParks.

Vigarito said that the facts focused on a range of topics, including natural and historical information.

She explained that this tour differed from usual trolly tours because it was longer, covering the full expanse of the park.

The tour took around two hours, and traveled all the way from Ford Nature Center to New Port and through all the historical and natural interest points in the park.

“You can ride through the park and talk for more than two hours,” Vigarito said.

The normal trolley tour lasts around 50-60 minutes and travels to the Mahoning River and the mill.

“This tour gives people a great idea about what the park has to offer,” Vigarito said.

This tour was a one time thing, according to Vigarito, who explained that the park puts on a special trolley tour once a month.

Upcoming in October and September, the park with host a picnic in the park trolley tour.

All trolley rides must be pre-registered for, which you can do at