Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Collin Chasko used pinchers to pull different numbers from a bin full of pasta and place them in the right spot on the board for the Boardman libraries monthly playtime event August 15.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Librarian Karen Saunders read "Moo Moo Brown Cow," to the group of children gathered at the monthly playtime event August 15 at the Boardman library.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Norah Chasko placed cut outs of a sheep and two lambs on the magnetic board during the story telling portion of the playtime event on August 15.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Karen Saunders, childrens librarian at the Boardman branch, helped Norah Chasko work at a rhyming words station during the monthly play time event August 15.

Neighbors | Jessica Harker.Childrens librarian Karen Saunders helped Collin Chasko place the magnetic cut outs of a cow and calf on the magnetic board during her telling of the story "Moo Moo Brown Cow".
The Boardman library hosted a play time event for children ages 2-6 on Aug. 15.
To start the program children’s librarian Karen Saunders read “Moo Moo Brown Cow” to the group that was gathered.
She gave each child a magnetic set of animals and had them follow along with the story.
When the animal that was on the child’s magnet came up, they would help continue the story through putting the animals on the board.
“That’s the way children tend to learn,” Saunders said. “Through having fun.”
After the story, children and their families were encouraged to explore the six stations set up by Saunders. The stations, Saunders said, were designed to help children work on various skills they will need to develop while they prepare to enter school.
“They have the different literacy skills that they work on through the games,” she explained.
The stations including rhyming games, puzzle building, sensory counting games and more.
“The purpose is making learning fun so you want games that encourage learning that isn’t something they would not want to do,” Saunders said. She said that these games help the children develop literacy skills, fine motor skills and work on concrete learning goals like counting and reading.
The play time event is offered every month at the Boardman library branch.
For more information on upcoming library programs, visit libraryvisit.org.