YSU issues statement regarding sexual and relationship violence


Youngstown State University’s Title IX office issued the following statement Monday afternoon: “We are writing today regarding recent campus discussions about sexual and relationship violence on college campuses and YSU’s responses to these serious events. Unfortunately, sexual violence does happen; it is a frightening, confusing and overwhelming time for the victim/survivor. Underreporting of campus sexual assault remains a concern for campuses across Ohio with victims still preferring to confide in friends rather than reporting to university officials. However, while reporting across Ohio still remains low, a 2016 U.S. Department of Education report on School Crime and Safety indicates that Title IX prevention and education programming efforts are beginning to make victims feel safer in reporting incidents of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault.

“Cultural changes and on-going education are integral to achieve increased reporting of and decreased instances of sexual violence. Here at YSU, the Title IX Office, located in Suite 301 on the third floor of Tod Hall on campus, provides individuals with a safe and discrete location to receive information on reporting, response options and available resources.”

To expand YSU’s outreach the university recently added a full-time Title IX Director Kelly Beers.

“In addition, as of the fall semester in-coming students are required to complete on-line training on consent, sexual misconduct, bystander intervention and reporting,” the statement said. “This requirement mirrors the university’s mandated employee training. Title IX staff also provide in-person outreach and training to staff and students across campus.”

The statement continued to say that “any belief that YSU is ignoring sexual violence and thereby contributing, even indirectly, to incidents of sexual violence on campus is a dangerous misconception that can adversely impact campus reporting and safety.”

That narrative “reinforces the belief that ‘nothing will ever happen’ and further isolates and stigmatizes victims.”

The statement said the Title IX Office is a safe and secure location for information and reporting.

“It is also important to note that, in order to protect individual rights of privacy and confidentiality, investigative and referral work done by the Title IX Office on specific incidents is not made public,” the statement said. “More can always be done ... The goal of YSU through its Title IX Office is a campus-wide goal: to provide a respectful and safe living, learning and working environment.”

Report and receive information on sexual misconduct, sexual violence, dating and domestic violence and stalking to the Title IX Office, Tod Hall-Suite 301, by phone 330-941-2340 or 330-941-4629, or anonymously to TitleIX@ysu.edu.”