BUSINESS DIGEST || Gravesite caregivers

Gravesite Cleaners


Gravestone Cleaners is now operating in the Youngstown area. In addition to cleaning gravestones, the company will trim and edge the grass surrounding a gravestone and provide before and after photos.

“Many people are either too busy or physically unable to tend to gravesites,” said manager Eileen Benedict. “And many family members move far away. Whatever the reason, loved ones’ sacred sites don’t need to turn into weary, forgotten places. Let us keep these special spaces looking loved and cared for.”

For information, call 234-228-0404 or email

Pink Ribbon bagels


Covelli Enterprises, the largest Panera Bread franchisee, has launched its monthlong Pink Ribbon Bagel campaign in participating Mahoning Valley Panera Bread bakery-cafes in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Throughout October, a portion of the proceeds from bagel sales will be donated to the Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center at St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital.

To date, Covelli has raised nearly $6 million to support breast cancer programs in the communities it serves. Locally, the company has donated more than $225,000 to the Joanie Abdu center.

Aqua Ohio upgrade


Aqua Ohio is in the site-preparation phase of a planned $11 million facility upgrade at the water-treatment plant on state Route 170 in the township. A ground-breaking event for the project will be scheduled at a later date.

Rescue Mission gift


Trustmark employees will present a Trustmark Foundation gift of $3,000 to Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday at the mission, 962 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The gift will be applied to the mission’s operating budget.

The foundation sets aside charitable contributions each year to benefit the communities in which employees live and work. “We then involve our employees in selection of worthy organizations,” said Missy Argiro, senior manager of Trustmark’s Boardman branch on South Avenue. “This year, the mission was chosen as one of those recipients. We appreciate all of the support and guidance the mission gives to the community.”

The mission’s shelter serves an average of 114 people per night, mission President/CEO John Muckridge said.

Gas rates up


Under its latest filing with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective Oct. 12, Dominion Energy Ohio’s Standard Choice Offer and Standard Service Offer) rates will be $3.091 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf), up $0.126/Mcf, or 4.2 percent, from the September rate. The rates are up $0.117 per Mcf, or 3.9 percent, from last October. The filing says the average SCO/SSO residential customer’s bill for October will be $48.92, a 2.5 percent increase over last October.