Home Depot Foundation to remodel home of Youngstown veteran

Staff report


Through the generosity of two organizations, the home of a local veteran will be transformed today.

The Home Depot Foundation is partnering with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to remodel the home of David Signor, 1624 Fifth Ave., a disabled Marine veteran who actively served for four years and spent two years in the reserves.

Signor is in need of assistance to improve the safety of his home, the foundation said in a news release, due to his wife living with multiple sclerosis and three of the couple’s four adopted children living with a disability.

Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. today, a team of 25 Home Depot employees will volunteer on their day off to remodel the house. Projects include installation of exterior doors, replacement of windows, general landscaping, installation of new flooring, painting and wall repairs.

The project is part of Home Depot’s eighth annual Celebration of Service campaign to improve the homes and lives of U.S. military veterans and their families, according to the release. Since 2011, the Home Depot Foundation has transformed more than 40,000 homes and facilities for veterans across the country.