Mother’s Day buffet

Mother’s Day buffet


Das Dutch Village Event Center, located in the Best Western Plus Dutch Haus Inn & Suites, will host a Mother’s Day Buffet next Sunday.

It will feature a prime-rib carving station, three entrees, side dishes and assorted desserts.

The event center will offer two seating times, noon and 2:30 p.m.

Tickets cost $29.95 for adults, $27.95 for seniors and $17.95 for children. Children under age 3 are free.

Advance reservations are required by Wednesday. Call 866-482-5050, ext. 425.

Worker report


Five of the Youngstown area’s 10 most common jobs pay the typical worker too little to feed a family of three without food assistance, according to a report from Policy Matters Ohio based on U.S. Department of Labor data.

The report notes, for example, the most common occupation in the Youngstown Metropolitan Statistical Area in 2017 was retail salesperson, with 8,990 working in that position. The report notes the median hourly wage for the position was $10.10, the median annual salary was $21,000 and the median annual earnings as a share of poverty was 103 percent.

Issue 1 support


The Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber announced this week its board of directors supports Issue 1 on the primary ballot.

Issue 1, if approved, would change how Ohio draws U.S. congressional districts. Issue 1 would require the Ohio General Assembly to adopt a redistricting plan with support from at least 60 percent of members in each chamber and from at least 50 percent of both Republicans and Democrats.

Issue 1 is a constitutional amendment that received strong bipartisan support to get on the ballot.

“This plan is the result of meaningful, bipartisan cooperation that will reform Ohio’s gerrymandering,” said Guy Coviello, regional chamber vice president of government affairs.

Vehicle cost up


Analysts at Kelley Blue Book announced this week the estimated average transaction price for light vehicles in the U.S. was $35,411 in April, a 2 percent increase over April 2017.

Despite rising gas prices, KBB also reported seeing a greater price increase for SUVs than with cars. KBB reported luxury SUVs “performed particularly well.”

Rubio: Corporations aren’t investing tax cuts in jobs


Sen. Marco Rubio says big businesses aren’t investing much of their windfall from President Donald Trump’s tax cuts into their workers.

The Florida Republican told The Economist that “there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.”

Instead, Rubio says corporations bought back shares – generally done to lift stock prices for investors – and that “a few gave out bonuses.”

Rubio, a rival contender to Trump for the GOP nomination in 2016, ultimately voted for the tax cuts in December.

President Trump and other administration officials have touted the tax cuts’ impact on workers.

Staff/wire reports