Moms and daughters spend special day at park

« Boardman Neighbors


Neighbors | Zack Shively.Boardman Park invited mothers and daughters to their annual "Mommy and Me for Tea" Mother's Day event on May 6. The event had food and crafts for the families. Pictured are Laura Kraft and her daughters Alivia and Alaina Kraft at the event.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The "Mommy and Me for Tea" at the Boardman Park had numerous places for mothers and daughters to take pictures together, including in front of the Laricca Family Community Center and inside by the fireplace. Pictured are Larisa and Anastasia Hull posing with props in front of the fireplace.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The "Mommy and Me for Tea" fashion show had the daughters walk down a strip of carpet while the parents applauded and recreation director Karen McCallum read a piece about the child.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.Recreation Director Karen McCallum explained to the children how they were going to do the fashion show. With her was her mom, Nancy. The two of them worked to make the show run smoothly.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.Boardman Park's "Mommy and Me for Tea" included a small lunch, activities for both mothers and daughters, crafts for the families to make together, photo areas and a fashion show to conclude the event.


Mothers and daughters celebrated Mother’s Day a week early at Boardman Park’s “Mommy and Me for Tea” event on May 6.

The event featured a lunch, a time for crafts, games, a fashion show and many photo opportunities. The park had the event twice on the same day and both times it sold out.

“It’s that season to celebrate moms,” said recreation director Karen McCallum. “It’s a day for moms to dress up with their daughters for a light lunch, crafts, games and a fashion show.”

The event began with pictures in the front of the Lariccia Family Community Center. Inside, they signed in and had lunch, which consisted of sandwiches, crackers, fruit, water, lemonade, tea and candy.

Once the families began to finish their lunches, park employees and volunteers from Cardinal Mooney High School passed out small papers with games for the children to play. Other sheets had “get to know me” games. They also handed the mothers a piece of paper to write down information about their child for the fashion show.

After the families finished their lunches and games, they walked into the next room which had a few crafts for them to complete. The end result of the crafts were different styles of teapots with Mother’s Day decorations.

McCallum took the children into one room and explained to them how the fashion show would work. The parents sat in the other room and waited for the show to begin. The daughters walked down a carpet, posing and spinning, for the fashion show. They had a park member take pictures of every child.

The park has “Mommy and Me for Tea” every year. This year was the 14th annual. The event saw 45 girls at each time.