WRPA OKs new contract for executive director

By Jordyn Grzelewski



The Western Reserve Port Authority board on Wednesday ratified a new contract for Executive Director John Moliterno.

Port authority officials said the contract, which has not yet been written up, is largely the same as Moliterno’s previous contract.

His annual salary of $110,000 will remain the same.

One change is the length of the contract. The previous contract was a three-year agreement, while the new one is for two years.

Another change, officials said, is to the port authority’s contribution to Moliterno’s Ohio Public Employees Retirement System contribution.

Of the 10 percent employees contribute to their retirement, the port authority will pay 7 percent and Moliterno will pay 3 percent, officials said.

Board chairman Martin Loney commended Moliterno’s leadership of the agency during a period in which the Youngstown/Warren Regional Airport, which the WRPA oversees, lost its commercial airline service.

“You’ve done a very good job for us, directing that ship,” Loney said.

Moliterno also has been filling in as aviation director since former director Dan Dickten resigned in April.

“I appreciate the positive thoughts and comments from the board,” Moliterno said. “I enjoy working and helping bring additional jobs and economic development activity to the community.”


In other business, the board moved forward with plans to develop the Harshman Building on East Boardman Street in downtown Youngstown.

The board authorized a 10-year lease agreement with Eastern Gateway Community College, which will occupy the basement and first floor.

The EGCC board will consider the agreement at its next meeting. The details have not yet been released.

Anthony Trevena, economic development director for NEO Development and Finance Authority, a division of the port authority, said he expects EGCC to move into the building in December.

The port authority board also authorized the issuance and sale of revenue bonds of up to $800,000 for the acquisition of the building and renovation of the basement and first floor.

Additionally, the board authorized a contract with Boak & Sons of Youngstown for a $52,165 roof-replacement project.

The port authority will get $40,000 back from the $350,000 building purchase in the form of a credit to an escrow account, which will be put toward the roof project.

The port authority has accepted a bank loan of up to $952,000 for the development project.

In other business, the board heard from James Dignan, president & CEO of the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber, regarding a lobbying effort to bring a missile defense site to Camp Ravenna, a military training facility in Portage and Trumbull counties.

It is one of three sites being considered for the $4.5 billion project that would create an estimated 800 permanent jobs at the site. The others are in Michigan and New York.

Dignan said a report providing an update on the selection process is expected any day.