Cum laude graduate

Brooke Mangiarelli has graduated cum laude from Ohio State University Moritz College of Law with her juris doctorate degree.

Mangiarelli received her undergraduate degree from OSU, graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in international relations and diplomacy. She is a 2010 Canfield High School graduate.

She is the daughter of Atty. Louis and Frances DeFabio and Anthony and Lori Mangiarelli, both of Canfield.

state patrol

Troopers promoted

Two Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers with Mahoning Valley ties have been promoted.

Brad M. Evans was promoted to the rank of sergeant during a ceremony at the patrol’s training academy. Evans will transfer from his current assignment at the Canton Post to serve as an assistant post commander at the Hiram Post.

He began his career in May 2004 as a member of the 142nd academy class. He earned his commission in November of that year and was assigned to the Bucyrus Post. As a trooper, he earned the Criminal Patrol Award twice and also served at the Canton Post.

Evans earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Youngstown State University in 2001.

Benjamin C. Dennison was promoted to the rank of sergeant. Dennison will transfer from his current assignment at the Canfield Post to serve as an assistant post commander at the Lisbon Post.

He began his career in September 2011 as a member of the 151st academy class. He earned his commission in February the following year and was assigned to the Chardon Post. As a trooper, he also served at the Canfield Post.

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