Slice of the Valley pizza challenge scheduled


Personalities from the sports, entertainment and education fields will decide the best pizza in the Mahoning Valley from among 19 eateries during Warren Rotary’s “Slice of the Valley: annual Valley Pizza Challenge” from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Metroplex Expo Center, 1620 Motor Inn Drive. There will be a basket auction, silent auction and 50-50 raffle.

Cost for adults is $10 and $5 for children 6 and under. Entertainment will be by Bo Wagner and his orchestra. Miss Ohio 2018 Deneen Penn will be a guest. Proceeds will go to Trumbull Mobile Meals, Warren Family Mission, Salvation Army of Warren, Rotary Foundation and Courthouse Square Fountain Restoration Project.

For information call Rob Berk, event chairman, at 800-323-3547 or visit