Neighbors | Zack Shively.Jan Luoma, an artist and former librarian, lead the Poland library's painting class. She received assistance from librarian Amanda Koller. Luoma displayed the painting shown as the example for the class.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.Children had a painting party at the Poland library on Jan. 22. Pictured, Gina Romeo and Adelynn Rudge began their paintings by painting the canvas blue.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.The library provided the children with all of the materials for the painting, including paints, brushes and a stencil of a dolphin. Pictured, Rylynn Stafford traced the dolphin stencil for her painting.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.Children from grades kindergarten to fourth painted a dolphin at the Poland library. Pictured, Nathan and Joseph Torres used grey paint to make their dolphins.
Neighbors | Zack Shively.Once the children were done with their paintings, they used a blow dryer to dry the paint quickly. Pictured, Christian Steed finished his dolphin painting.
The Poland library invited an artist to their meeting room to lead a painting program for young children on Jan. 22.
Jan Luoma, an artist and former PLYMC librarian, ran the library’s “Winter Painting Party for Grades K-4.“ She had the children make a dolphin painting. Poland librarian Amanda Koller assisted Luoma during the program.
The library provided everything the children needed, including paint, a canvas and clean up materials. They also set out a bag of chips and a drink for the children.
The children began with blue paint and a large brush to cover the canvas. Once they had the canvas covered, they walked over to the drying station where Luoma, Koller or a parent used a blow dryer to dry the paint.
Then, they used a dolphin stencil to trace the outline of the animal on their canvas. After they outlined the dolphin, they painted it and finished their painting. Some children added extra designs and decoration to the art, similar to the decoration that Luoma had on her display painting. They went over to the drying station again and then took their finished product home.
Luoma does a series of painting programs throughout the year. She said she will do one whenever they ask. She does these programs because she loves art. She said the children seem to enjoy enjoy it and they get a sense of reward and accomplishment through the activity.