Board keeps school shooting victims in thoughts

Staff report


Austintown school board members expressed condolences for the victims of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland, Fla.

“Our hearts go out to all of the families,” board member Kathy Mock said. “I know it’s been said over and over again that we don’t need thoughts and prayers, but I think they do need our thoughts and prayers,”

Mock praised the district for having police officers posted at the entrance of every school building.

“Look out for each other,” added board member Don Sherwood. “Take care of each other. It goes a long way.”

The board Wednesday night heard from the cafeteria staff at Austintown schools who reported an uptick in both lunch and breakfast purchases in the current school year.

Breakfast purchases increased by 26 percent, and lunch by 5 percent. The commodity dollars the school retains from school lunches grew from about $138,000 to about $208,000.

Additionally, the U.S. Department of Agriculture allocated $37,000 out of a $750,000 statewide pool to Austintown schools for lunchroom improvements.

With the funding, the school will purchase a new oven and upright freezer for the cafeteria.

Spring break at Austintown schools was extended to include March 26-28. The break now begins March 26 and ends April 2.