Sportsmanship and creativity at Pinewood Derby

« Boardman Neighbors

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Neighbors | Zack Shively.Cub Scout Pack 27 had their annual Pinewood Derby race on Feb. 3 at Boardman United Methodist Church. The scouts made and designed their own cars to perform in the races.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The Scouts competed in 90 races throughout the day at the Pinewood Derby. Each car raced in each lane at least once during the day. Pictured, Cub Master Don Wittman placed the four cars in their lanes for a race.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The Pinewood Derby races taught the Cub Scouts two things: to build and design a wooden car for racing and sportsmanship. The Scouts practiced good sportsmanship throughout the day, celebrating everyone's successes. Pictured, from left, Caden Brown and Ryder Naughton demonstated good sportsmanship by shaking hands before they raced.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The Cub Scouts had less than two months to create their cars for the Pinewood Derby. Some used the cars to make interesting designs and shapes, such as Liam Feehley's green monster design on the left and Carson Galich's arrow shaped car on the right.


Neighbors | Zack Shively.The Pinewood Derby used a computer program to show the racers' names, placement, time and average speed. The scout leaders set up a projector to display the results to the audience watching the races.


Cub Scout Pack 27 competed in their Pinewood Derby wooden car races at Boardman United Methodist Church on Feb. 3.

The scouts created small wooden cars to be raced using a metal decline to give the cars momentum. The children painted and designed their cars by themselves.

Don Wittman, the Cubmaster for the pack, said the Pinewood Derby, an event that all Cub Scouts take part in all, teaches them two important lessons. It teaches them to craft with wood and while being creative with shape and color. The more important lesson is about sportsmanship.

Assistant Cub Master Matthew Feehley spoke to the audience and the scouts about sportsmanship, as written in the handbook. During the race, the children seemed happy about their successes and the accomplishments of their friends. No one did anything hurtful or harsh, demonstrating great sportsmanship.

The pack had 45 racers and 90 races. They raced down a four-lane metal track that had computerized finish line to show who came in first and how fast each car went. Each car raced multiple times in each lane.

The finish line connected to a computer program that showed the placement of the four racers, their average speed and their time in the race. The program kept track of the best times and would display a message when a car beat the fastest time at the derby. The cub leaders set up a projection screen so everyone could see the results of each race.

The scout leaders gave the scouts numerous awards, including championship placements and awards based on design. The top championship placements came with a trophies, while the design awards received a certification. The leaders gave away awards such as most simple design, coolest shape and best paint job.

Many of the cars had interesting designs. The coolest shape award winner made his car in the shape of an arrow. Some based their designs on franchises like Mario Kart and Sonic the Hedgehog. Two scouts used their car to exhibit their favorite sports teams, the Browns and Steelers. Most of their wooden cars just looked like race cars or trucks.

The pack has their Pinewood Derby race every year at the church. The group have had a connection with the church for 60 years. The racers have around two months to make their cars.